Gender-transformative programming with men and boys to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights: a systematic review of intervention studies

Evidence Review




Ruane-McAteer, E, Gillespie, K, Amin, A, Aventin, A, Robinson, M, Hanratty, J, Khosla, R, Lohan, M.


BMJ Global Health


The paper found four promising programming characteristics of effective gender- transformative interventions with men and boys
I. Multicomponent activities including education, persuasion, modelling and enablement approaches that cover all elements of the COM- B model for successful behaviour change interventions: capability, motivation and opportunity.
II. Multilevel programming that reaches beyond target groups and mobilises the wider community to adopt egalitarian gender norms and practices.
III. Working with both women and men, either in mixed sex groups or separately.
IV. Delivery of activities by trained facilitators and for a sufficient duration of time, ideally longer than three months.

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