Impact of a complex gender-transformative intervention on maternal and child health outcomes in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo: protocol of a longitudinal parallel mixed-methods study





Bapolisi, WA, Ferrari, G, Blampain, C, Makelele, J, Kono-Tange, L, Bisimwa, G, and Merten, S.


BMC Public Health, Volume 20


Women’s empowerment has long been identified as being able to bring about progress in various areas, including health. It has been shown that men’s commitment to transforming gender norms is a sinequanone factor for greater equity and better health, especially in terms of reproductive health and child nutrition. This study is one of the first in this genre in DRC and results will serve as a guide for policies aimed at improving the involvement of men in changing attitudes towards gender norms for higher household productivity and better health.

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