Why ethnicity and gender matters for fertility intention among married young people: a baseline evaluation from a gender transformative intervention in rural India
“Gender-transformative Bandebereho couples’ intervention to promote male engagement in reproductive and maternal health and violence prevention in Rwanda: Findings from a randomised controlled trial.”
We learn how to become good men.’: Working with male allies to prevent violence against women and girls in urban informal settlements in Mumbai, india
What role can gender-transformative programming for men play in increasing men’s HIV testing and engagement in HIV care and treatment in South Africa?
Engaging men in children’s rights and positive parenting manual. Engaging men and women as caring parents and respectful partners
I Tried to Resist and Avoid Bad Friends’: The Role of Social Contexts in Shaping the Transformation of Masculinities in a Gender Transformative and Livelihood Strengthening Intervention in South Africa
Integration of gender-transformative interventions into health professional education reform for the 21st century: implications of an expert review
Gender Transformative Approaches to Engaging Men in Gender-based Violence Prevention: A Review and Conceptual Model
The promises and limitations of gender-transformative health programming with men: critical reflections from the field
Fromw ork with men and boys to changes of social norms and reduction of inequities in gender relations: a conceptual shift in prevention of violence against women and girls
CHAMPION@Work for Tanzania: A comprehensive, gender-transformative approach to preventing HIV through the world of work.
Kuwa Mfano wa Kuigwa (Be A Role Model): A gender-transformative campaign to reduce social acceptance of intimate partner violence
Working with Men and Boys to Prevent Gender-based Violence: Principles, Lessons Learned, and Ways Forward
Changing what it means to ‘become a man’: participants’ reflections on a school-based programme to redefine masculinity in the Balkans