End-term Evaluation Report of Accountability to Achieve the SDGs: A Human Rights and Gender Justice Agenda for MenEngage Africa Strategic Plan

This report provides findings of the end-term evaluation of Accountability to Achieve the SDGs: A Human Rights and Gender Justice Agenda for MenEngage Africa (MEA) Strategic Plan. The MEA Strategic Plan 2019-2023 contributes to realising the Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation for Gender Equality and Women and Girls’ Rights 2018-2022, and other global policy frameworks. In alignment with other policy frameworks, the strategy understands gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment as prerequisites for implementing the 2030 Agenda and fulfilling the Global Goals, such as SDG Goal 5. The evaluation was conducted from 7 November 2023 to 26 January 2024. The evaluation assesses the implementation period from May 2019 to April 2023, including the no-cost extension period from May to December 2023. The evaluation assesses (1) the extent to which results were achieved during the implementation period of the MenEngage Africa Strategic Plan, (2) identifying constraints to implementation and (3) solutions applied to mitigate the challenges, (4) provide key lessons learned, and (5) recommendations for future programming in the upcoming strategy.

The evaluation employed a mixed method design that couples quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Qualitative data was collected through (1) review of programme documents, (2) in-depth interviews of project stakeholders, including programme leaders, and (3) focus group discussions with beneficiaries. Quantitative data was collected using a survey conducted with beneficiaries and regional network leaders. The OECD evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, impact, and sustainability were used.

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