Uncle GEP reflects on WMATI 2016

Ngamane Karuaihe-Upi, also known as Uncle GEP, with GEP short for Gender Equality Practitioner, is a gender activist based in Namibia and he is one of the 30 participants who have been participating in our Women’s Health, Empowerment and Masculinities: Policy Advocacy Training, which is on its last day in Gaborone, Botswana, today (14 September 2016).

Reflecting on the last 14 days of the intensive two-week course, this is what Uncle GEP had to say: “They say evil will prevail for as long as good men sit back and watch from afar. Unfortunately, men are perpetrators of war, gender-based violence, crime, theft, and so on. But we have a duty to change that scenario around. A course like this is one of those instruments we can use to awaken men to say: ‘Wow! Gender equality is good for all.’ This course has exposed me to new concepts, like women have agency. This is a step in the right direction. The end of the course makes it real worthy. We got educated, we got trained… Now let’s go and practice what we have learned.”

Created by
Sonke Gender Justice