Some key achievements
- Community mobilisation, and GBV and HIV and AIDS awareness raising by promoting positive masculinities.
- Working towards strengthening the established national network of men and women in the prevention and response to GBV and all forms of violence and oppression against women and children.
- Research and Policy Advocacy.
- Resource sharing and networking with women’s movements for women’s empowerment and women’s rights promotion.
- Capacity building on positive masculinity, gender sensitive active nonviolence, and peace building.
- Sexuality education to youth and men in communities.
- Community intervention activities through performing arts with women, men and youth on SRHR.

Les Actions de COMEN
This publication highlights some of the major activities that Congo Men’s Network (COMEN), the Secretariat for MenEngage DRC led in the years 2018 and 2019. The publication is written in French.