MenEngage Cameroon now has a Gender Transformative Approach (GTA) community of practice, which seeks to monitor the mainstreaming of GTA in programs within the country network and member organizations. This is an outcome of the GTA capacity building workshop, facilitated by Sonke Gender Justice at the Reach Out Cameroon Head Office from the 26th –28th June 2024
The training resulted from a capacity needs assessment conducted for MenEngage Cameroon, which revealed the quest for in-depth physical GTA training with a focus on unpacking power imbalances and relating GTA with comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR).

In a bid to fulfil its responsibility of providing technical support to MenEngage networks, Sonke Gender Justice facilitated this training with a focus on transforming masculinities for positive SRHR outcomes among the different programs implemented by MenEngage Cameroon network members.
The capacity building aimed to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of Gender Transformative Approach among MEA partners in Cameroon and provide technical support for transformative masculinities in programming among MEA partners in Cameroon.
Sessions were characterized by the sharing of field and community experiences and group interactions, which helped foster peer-to-peer learning among MenEngage Cameroon members.