#MEASRHR2024 highlights – Day 2


Day 2 of the MenEngage Africa Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Learning and Exchange Symposium opened with a plenary panel session on Building Bridges Across Borders aimed at fostering cross-regional collaboration on SRHR. The importance of adopting intersectional frameworks was highlighted, particularly in identifying points of commonality and how these are used to entrench inequality and identifying meaningful remedies to structural inequalities. Funding or lack thereof was also a major takeaway from the panel and the participants.

This was followed by an Abstract Presentation Session where eight presenters highlighted best practices in advancing SRHR across the region. Key best practices highlighted include employing community-led interventions to ensure relevance, community buy-in and sustainability, the need for evidence-based approaches, and targeting marginalised communities as well as the diverse stakeholders that affect their access to SRHR.

Day 2 featured a variety of workshops, including Why Engaging Men and Boys is Crucial for a Gender Equitable World, SRHR Self-Care and Mental Health for Youth, SRHR and Male Engagement Prioritisation, Resource Mobilisation and many more.These breakout sessions emphasised the importance young people need to be at the forefront of advocating for access to SRHR information and services, and partners were encouraged to invest more heavily in enhancing youth capacity and meaningful participation.

Live broadcast

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Highlight video

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