Malawi Case Study – A Decentralised Approach

MenEngage Malawi has decentralised the management of their network structures and operations, leading to unique advantages and challenges faced in the rolling out and coordination of their programs. Men for Gender Equality Now (MEGEN) coordinates the activities of the MenEngage Malawi in- country network. In understanding why MenEngage has opted for this decentralised approach to the carrying out of its programs in Malawi, it is important to look at the work MEGEN is doing in that country, especially in terms of how they have chosen to structure and approach their interventions. MEGEN’s two key strategies for accomplishing their goals consist of dedicated rapid-response teams, as well as the Men Travelling Conference (MTC). Every local MEGEN chapter is responsible for organising a rapid-response team, whose main function is to respond with speed to cases of gender-based violence (GBV) as and when they happen.


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