MEA SRHR learning and exchange symposium outcome document

The MenEngage Africa SRHR Learning and Exchange Symposium on the theme “SRHR for All: Building a Better Future for Africa’s Youth” has successfully concluded, bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders committed to advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in Africa. Hosted by Sonke Gender Justice in collaboration with partners such as the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), Save the Children International (SCI), Frontline AIDS, The Global Network of Young People living with HIV (Y+ Global), UNESCO, Community Centre for Impact, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and technical partners. The symposium brought together 105 delegates representing most regions in Sub Saharan Africa, including young people in all their diversities, religious and traditional leaders, LGBTQI+ persons, and allies. This three-day event was a platform for reflection, learning, and action towards fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, inclusive and innovative strategies to strengthen advocacy and programming for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), safe abortion, and youth-friendly health services in Africa.

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