MenEngage Africa Mid-Term Evaluation 2011 – 2013

MenEngage is a global alliance of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) located within the global south and north and United Nations (UN) agencies that was established in 2004. MenEngage Africa (MEA) has been supported by funding by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Oak Foundation through Sonke Gender Justice Network (Sonke) since 2011. The objectives were to strengthen MEA through institutionalising country networks, establishing regional network structures, expanding policy advocacy, strengthening strategic alliances, conducting research and establishing a training programme. The purpose of the mid-term evaluation was to assess MEAs relevance, efficiency and effectiveness, determine achievements and lessons learned, and provide guidance on the way forward.

Evaluation methods involved an extensive review of programme documentation to determine the extent of programme outputs and achievements. This guided a qualitative research process involving in-depth interviews (IDIs) and one focus group discussion (FGD) with Sonke staff, stakeholders and participants in the MEA programme. The research was conducted between September and November 2013 and included 66 participants globally. IDIs were conducted through Skype or telephone, as well in person in Cape Town, Nairobi and Windhoek, while the FGD was conducted in Nairobi. Data was collected on a confidential basis and analysis was aided by transcribed digital recordings.


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