Policy Report: Rwanda

The analysis found that Rwanda’s policies and plans compare favourably with many other countries in the region in relation to the engagement of men and boys. In particular Rwanda has some very strong policies related to gender-based violence (GBV). While there are aspects within the Rwandan Law on Prevention and Punishment of Gender-Based Violence that are problematic, commendably it does criminalise marital rape. There are a number of strengths in terms of engaging men within the National Strategic Plan on HIV and AIDS and the National Accelerated Plan for Women, Girls, Gender Equality & HIV. However, certain sexual and reproductive health and rights policies do not adequately engage with men, and Rwanda’s parenting policies do not enable men to prioritize their role as fathers.

This Policy Report has been developed to be used as an advocacy tool for civil society, policymakers and decision-makers to identify key areas for policy advocacy, and better understand and strengthen a focus on engaging men within laws and policies for gender equality.

Policy Report Rwanda: Engaging Men In HIV And GBV Prevention, SRHR Promotion And Parenting

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