Policy Report: South Africa

The analysis found that South Africa has developed a strong National Strategic Plan for HIV, STIs and TB 2012–2016 in terms of engaging men and boys, a strong 365 Day National Action Plan to End Gender Violence, and is a best practice example in terms of LGBTI policy and law in Africa. The 365 Day National Action Plan to End Gender Violence, however, needs to be updated and there are some weaknesses within policies related to sexual and reproductive health and parenting. Generally, it is recommended that policies, laws and plans utilise more specific language and identify achievable strategies to address the problems they recognise and articulate. Where applicable, it is important that laws, policies and plans make provisions for the costing and budgeting of programmes, together with clear implementation plans.

This Policy Report has been developed to be used as an advocacy tool for civil society, policymakers and decision-makers to identify key areas for policy advocacy, and better understand and strengthen a focus on engaging men within laws and policies for gender equality.

Policy Report: Engaging Men In HIV And GBV Prevention, SRHR Promotion And Parenting

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