Community mobilization to modify harmful gender norms and reduce HIV risk: results from a community cluster randomized trial in South Africa





Pettifor, A, Lippman, SA, Gottert, A, Suchindran, CM, Selin, A, Peacock, D, Maman, S, Rembombo, D, Twine, R, Gómez-Olivé, FX, Tollman, S, Kahn, K, and MacPhail, C.


Journal of the International AIDS Society, Volume 21


Community mobilization can reduce negative gender norms among men and has the potential to create environments that are more supportive of preventing IPV and reducing HIV risk behaviour. Nevertheless, the study not observe that changes in attitudes towards gender norms resulted in desired changes in risk behaviours suggesting that more time may be necessary to change behaviour or that the intervention may need to address behaviours more directly.

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