Effects of gender-transformative relationships and sexuality education to reduce adolescent pregnancy (the JACK trial): a cluster-randomised trial





Lohan, M, Brennan-Wilson, A, Hunter, R, Gabrio, A, McDaid, L, Young, H, French, R, Aventin, A, Clarke, M, McDowell, C, Logan, D, Toase, S, O'Hare, L, Bonell, C, Gillespie, K, Gough, A, Lagdon, S, Warren, E, Buckley, K, Lewis, R, Adara, L, McShane, T, Bailey, J, and White, J.


The Lancet Public Health, Volume 7


The research aimed to test an intervention which used a gender-transformative approach to engage adolescents in RSE to prevent unprotected sex. The intervention had a null effect on the primary outcome of preventing unprotected sex (increasing sexual abstinence or use of reliable contraception) in the whole student population. However, the results showed significant increases in use of reliable contraceptives for sexually active students

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