Preventing adolescent dating violence: An outcomes protocol for evaluating a gender-transformative healthy relationships promotion program





Exner-Cortens, D, Wright, A, Hurlock, D, Carter, R, Krause, P and Crooks, C


Contemp Clin Trials commun, Volume 16


This article describes the protocol for a longitudinal, quasi-experimental outcome evaluation of a program called WiseGuyz. WiseGuyz is a community-facilitated, gender-transformative healthy relationships program for mid-adolescent male-identified youth that aims to reduce male-perpetrated dating violence and improve mental and sexual health, by allowing participants to critically examine and deconstruct male gender role expectations. The primary goal of this evaluation is to explore the impact of WiseGuyz on adolescent dating violence outcomes at one-year follow-up among participants, as compared to a risk- and demographically-matched comparison group.

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