MenEngage Training Manual

This training curriculum focuses on tackling HIV/AIDS and promoting gender equality. It seeks to empower MenEngage Africa country networks and partners in their work engaging men and boys for better outcomes around HIV and gender transformation across the continent. The curriculum is divided into four main modules: Gender transformation; Enabling change; Facilitating the change process; […]
A global alliance working with men and boys for gender equality
2nd MenEngage Global Symposium: “Gender Equality can only be achieved if men and boys are fully involved in the process” New Delhi, 10 November, 2014: Global efforts to attain gender equality will remain unfulfilled unless men and boys become more fully engaged in the process, is one of the key messages emerging from a major international […]
The 2nd Men Engage Global Symposium kicks off in New Delhi
The 2nd Men Engage Global Symposium kicked off in New Delhi on November 10. Over 1000 delegates from 94 countries are attending the symposium where speakers and activists from across the globe have come to share their experience and knowledge on ways in which men can be engaged in changing social norms. Sonke, the Co-Chair […]