
Emachawe Asekhaya

This video is part of the Emachawe Asekhaya campaign which has been devised by KwakhaIndvodza, a member of MenEngage Swaziland. Kwakha Indvodza seeks to reduce the incidence of gender-based violence and HIV through interrogating and redefining masculinity and believes that by celebrating positive male role models we can address the toxic image of masculinity which is a well-documented driver of increased HIV incidence, socio-cultural and socio economic barriers to development in the patriarchal Swazi context.

Working in close collaboration with local partners such as Ministry of Health, NERCHA and Men Engage Swaziland partners as well as regional partners including Sonke Gender Justice and Men Engage Africa, Kwakha Indvodza believes the Emachawe Asekhaya campaign will contribute to the national targets of reduced gender-based violence and HIV incidence rates, as well as advocate for effective couple communication, family-based health seeking behaviour and male-friendly health systems and services.

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