The Spotlight Initiative Africa Regional Programme (SIARP) held the High-Level Multi-Stakeholder Continental Summit to showcase learnings and promote networking between CSOs with Member States, the African Union Commission (AUC), UN agencies and other relevant actors on ending violence against women and girls in Africa. A key objective of the Summit was to promote understanding and generation of knowledge on good and best practices implemented under Spotlight country and regional programmes which address intersectional discrimination against women and girls as it relates to efforts on EVAW, HP and SRH&RR. The Summit also aimed to increased awareness of and access to key resources and knowledge sources that can support CSOs in their work and strengthen connectivity amongst CSOs and between CSOs and key regional stakeholders, including the AUC, RECs and UN agencies as well as Development Partners.
Another anticipated outcome was the development of key recommendations around the SIARP. The recommendations would highlight key proposals on sustaining and adapting as well as enhancing crucial Spotlight Initiative results arising from interventions of the AU Commission (AUC), Member States, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), UN agencies, Development Partners.
Sonke Gender Justice, Secretariat of MenEngage Africa was represented by Mabel Sengendo Nabaggala, Regional Unit Co-Manager (Programmes & Networks), who was a panelist, speaking on the role of men and boys in ending violence against women (VAW).
The three-day event was concluded by an Outcome Statement on the Recommendations of the High-Level Multi-stakeholder Continental Summit which contained the key take-away messages and recommendations of all stakeholders present. The highlights of these statements were integrated into the remarks of the Co-Chair of the Civil Society Regional Reference Group, Dr Mildred Mushunje, at the official closing ceremony of the AU Commission’s Gender Pre-summit Meeting held within the premises of the African Union Commission. The recommendations of the Gender Pre-summit Meeting were provided to the AU Champion, His Excellency the President of Ghana, who presented them at the Presidential breakfast meeting on 18 February 2023, at the Skylight Hotel in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.