New co-leadership team calls for renewed collaboration and commitment for gender justice in 2020 and beyond

MenEngage Africa congratulates Bafana Khumalo, who served as our chairperson in our formative years, on being appointed as the new co-chair of the MenEngage Alliance Global Board.

MenEngage Africa congratulates Bafana Khumalo, who served as our chairperson in our formative years, on being appointed as the new co-chair of the MenEngage Alliance Global Board.

Khumalo has been involved in MenEngage Alliance since its founding in 2007 and has decades of experience working on issues related to gender equality. With a long and accomplished track record in the NGO sector, Bafana is a well known figure in the field of women’s rights, gender equality and transforming masculinities, including SRHR for all, HIV prevention and gender-based violence.

In this open letter – along with Joni van de Sand, Director of the Global Secretariat of MenEngage Alliance – Khumalo and his co-chair, Humberto Carolo, share their vision for accountability, collaboration, and service to gender justice in 2020 and beyond.