“A rigorous global evidence review of interventions to prevent violence against women and girls.” What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Global Programme, Pretoria, South Africa

Evidence Review




Kerr-Wilson, A, Gibbs A, McAslan, FE, Ramsoomar, L, Parke, A, Khuwaja, HMA, Jewkes, R


What Works to Prevent Violence


This rigorous in-depth review of of the state of the field presents what is now known five years on after the UKAID-funded, What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (What Works) programme, a six year investment in understanding what works within the context of the wider evidence base.

The review suggests that economic and social empowerment programmes targeting men, combining economic strengthening (such as livelihood programmes) with explicit gender-transformative approaches shows promise for reducing men's self-reported perpetration of IPV.

It also shows that there is good evidence that couples interventions which work directly with both members of a couple and employ gender-transformative strategies are an approach for reducing women's experiences of IPV. [NB case studies mentioned - see page 22]

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