End-term Evaluation Report of Accountability to Achieve the SDGs: A Human Rights and Gender Justice Agenda for MenEngage Africa Strategic Plan

This report provides findings of the end-term evaluation of Accountability to Achieve the SDGs: A Human Rights and Gender Justice Agenda for MenEngage Africa (MEA) Strategic Plan. The MEA Strategic Plan 2019-2023 contributes to realising the Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation for Gender Equality and Women and Girls’ Rights 2018-2022, and other global policy frameworks. […]

MenEngage Africa Training Institute Report

Training held in Kampala from 25-30 April 2022 The MenEngage Africa Training Institute 2022, focusing on Transformative Feminist Leadership for Gender Equality for Social and Structural Drivers was held in Kampala, Uganda by three partnering institutions; Sonke Gender Justice and MenEngage Africa, Akina Mama wa Afrika (AMwA), and the School of Women and Gender Studies […]

Short course on advancing the women, peace and security agenda in Africa

MenEngage Africa, Sonke Gender Justice, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies at Addis Ababa University co-convened this year’s Me- nEngage Africa Training Initiative (MATI) and focused on the theme of advancing the WPS agenda. The course brought together academics, activists, and practitioners working for gender equality […]

The State of Uganda’s Fathers Report

The State of Uganda Father’s report 2021 is the inaugural report of its kind in Uganda. The report is a product of the AfriChild Center and is inspired by ‘State of The World’s Fathers’ Produced by Promundo-US. The first-ever “State of the World’s Fathers” report was published in 2015, and followed by subsequent editions published […]

State of the Tanzania’s Fathers (SOTFs) Report

This study’s objective was to explore the level of Tanzani- an men’s engagement in parenting, caregiving, Child Rights Protection (CRP), promoting gender equality, and preventing Gender-Based Violence (GBV). The focus on fatherhood stems from its importance as an entry-point to address gender inequality, particularly cycles of violence such as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Violence […]

MenEngage Africa Training Initiative Most Significant Change Stories

In this report, a group of MenEngage Africa Training Institute (MATI) alumni share their individual and collective reflection on the key achievements and challenges of MATI in advancing the gender equality agenda on the continent. This report showcases the Most Significant Change Stories that resulted from participating in MATI. Thus, the purposes of this report are […]

Les Actions de COMEN

This publication highlights some of the major activities that Congo Men’s Network (COMEN), the Secretariat for MenEngage DRC led in the years 2018 and 2019. The publication is written in French. 

Youths’ access to sexual and reproductive services and information

This case study report outlines two successful advocacy strategies carried out by MenEngage Africa Alliance and Sonke Gender Justice. These strategies were carried out in Kenya — the Chanuka Strategy, and Malawi — the Social Accountability and Monitoring Project. Both initiatives were developed during 2019 and are still in the first stages of implementation. The […]

Final report on the official launching of MenEngage Network Mali

Final Report Launching MenEngage Mali

The Mali network of MenEngage Africa Alliance was officially launched at a workshop chaired by Mali’s Permanent Secretary of the National Gender Policy, Tounkara Sophie Souko on the 11th and 12th of July 2019. The workshop was realised thanks to the joint efforts of the government of Mali and the Secretariat of MenEngage Mali – […]

MenEngage on the spot

MenEngage On The Spot

What does MenEngage Alliance need to do better? What does MenEngage Alliance have to do that it has not done yet? What does MenEngage Alliance need to stop doing? Those were some of the questions we put to women’s rights organizations from around the world as part of our Accountability Dialogue session in New York […]

Towards safety and equality for women and girls

Towards safety and equality for women and girls

Central to the concept of gender are the notions of power, decision-making, control and ownership. Historically, gender relations have always been grossly unequal, often to the extent that women are reduced to second-class citizens or even harmed or killed on the basis of their gender. The initial part of this study, divided into three chapters, […]

MenEngage Alliance at the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women

MenEngage Alliance at the 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women

The 59th session of the Commission on the Status of Women took place from 9-20 March 2015. It was a historical session as it commemorated the 20th anniversary of the 4th World Conference on Women in Beijing, which marked the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. MenEngage was well represented through the […]

MenEngage Tri-Country Project Review

Gender-based violence (GBV) takes centre-stage in this project review, which draws on project activities for GBV prevention conducted by Sonke and MenEngage Africa’s partner organizations in Kenya, Rwanda and Sierra Leone, namely the Men Engage Kenya Network (MenKen), the Rwanda Men’s Resource Centre (RWAMREC) and the Men’s Association for Gender Equality – Sierra Leone (MAGE-SL). […]

How to influence the development of the Post-2015 Development Agenda

MenEngage Advisory Document

The eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were established in the year 2000, aimed to improve the life for the world’s poorest and the most vulnerable by the year 2015. The MDGs have been a milestone in global and national development priorities. In the past 13 years the world has seen great strides towards achieving these […]

Gender Relations, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and the Effects of Conflict on Women and Men in North Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

Gender relations, sexual and gender-based violence and the effects of conflict on women and men in North Kivu, Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

The International Men and Gender Equality Survey (IMAGES) — created and coordinated by Promundo and the International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) — is one of the most comprehensive studies ever on men’s practices and attitudes as they relate to gender norms, attitudes toward gender equality policies, household dynamics including caregiving and men’s involvement […]

MATI Training Course Report 2014

MATI Training Course Report 2014

From the 24th of February to the 5th of March 2014, Sonke Gender Justice (Sonke), the MenEngage Africa Network (MEA), the Women’s Health and Research Unit at the University of Cape Town, Steps and Witness hosted the third MenEngage Africa Training Initiative (MATI) training entitled ‘Media, Film and Gender Advocacy Workshop’ in Cape Town, South […]

Scorecard on Gender-Based Violence Policies in Conflict & Post-Conflict Settings in Africa

Scorecard on Gender-Based Violence Policies in Conflict & Post-Conflict Settings in Africa

This scorecard provides an assessment of whether national policies in conflict and post-conflict settings in the African region attempt to engage men and boys in the prevention and elimination of gender-based violence (GBV).ii This report analyses policies from nine African conflict or post-conflict states: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Kenya, Liberia, Rwanda, […]

Formative Research for MenEngage SRHR Initiative

Formative Research for MenEngage SRHR Initiative - Dr Erin Stern

The following report documents the feedback generated from 28 interviewed stakeholders including funders, researchers, policy specialists, directors, program officers, communication leads, technical advisors, evaluators, and consultants from a variety of regions to inform developments of and recommendations to the MenEngage SRHR Initiative. The stakeholders interviewed had a wealth of experience in SRHR, including in women’s […]

MATI Training Course Report 2013

MATI Training Course Report 2013

The second ‘Masculinities, Leadership and Gender Justice Training Course’ which was held from 16-26 September 2013 at the University of Cape Town in South Africa, aimed at increasing the capacity of organisations and individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa to lead gender justice programmes that engage men as partners, clients and agents of change. Hosted by Sonke, […]

Policy Report: Zimbabwe

Policy Report - Zimbabwe

This analysis has found that Zimbabwe’s policies and plans regarding HIV and AIDS offer comprehensive prevention strategies that combine uptake of condoms, roll out of medical male circumcision (MMC) as well as testing and treatment. However, these do not address the link between HIV and gender and the role that negative masculinities play in exacerbating […]

Policy Report: Ethiopia

Ethiopia Policy Report

The analysis found that most policies and plans acknowledge that there is gender inequality between men and women in the Ethiopian society. For example, HIV and AIDS policies recognise that gender is a key driver of the pandemic and that women are more vulnerable to the disease than men. However, in most legislation, discussions on […]

Policy Report: Malawi

Malawi Policy Report

Legislation in Malawi generally seeks to transform negative gender norms and relations in society. In the area of HIV and AIDS, policies note that gender relations exacerbate its spread and adversely affect mortality rates. Policies on sexual and reproductive health articulate how gender differences impact on access to, and uptake of, testing, treatment and preventative […]